ETIP #198

3 Ways to Energize your Tablet Publication

3 Ways to Energize your Tablet Publication

All too often we see digital publications that are mere copies of their printed counterparts with a few bells and whistles, shadows of the potential robust experiences they could deliver to drive increased engagement. As print and web publishers continue to define the electronic publication, careful consideration must be given to the way content is developed, presented and consumed; it’s no longer the two-dimensional experience but a three-dimensional interactive journey for the end user.

Here are a few tips to help you transform your printed publication for the digital age!

Less is more:

Draw your readers in with vivid, compelling photography with short, concise titles and subheads. You don’t need a lot of copy. Instead, dazzle them with a presentation designed to attract and engage.

Surprise and reward your readers:

Don’t give it all away on the cover or even in the first few swipes. Encourage them to go deeper with clever surprises and unexpected delights (i.e. videos, images and taglines). Don’t lose them because you don’t offer enough content or because they can’t zoom into images but strike a balance between form and functionality. Reward them – the deeper they dive, the more they absorb and the more they engage.

Update and energize:

If you publish an annual or semi-annual edition, feature new sections, new imagery, new videos – often. Unlike print publications, a tablet magazine does not have a “shelf life” and with no hard printing costs, you can invest more in keeping the content fresh and relevant. Let it evolve, ask for feedback, stay relevant. Build it and they will come.