ETIP #101

5 Key Features of the Facebook Timeline

5 Key Features of the Facebook Timeline

Facebook Timeline’s Key Features

The Facebook Timeline provides a greater opportunity for brands to showcase their identity, highlight milestones and important news and organize content on their page. If utilized effectively, the Facebook Timeline can be a powerful owned asset that will complement your company’s marketing efforts.

  • Milestones:
 Be it product launches or winning a prestigious award, important and historical milestones can be chronologically added to a company’s Timeline. Enhance the story by adding relevant, powerful imagery to support it.
  • Highlighted/Hidden Posts:
 Highlighting or “starring” a post will expand the post to the full width of the screen. By giving it more prominence on the page, more attention is drawn to it, signifying its importance. Brands now also have the ability to hide posts, helping to clear or avoid clutter on the page.
  • Pinned Posts: 
There are times when brands may need a post to remain at a prominent location for an extended period of time. Brands have the ability to do so by pinning a post, which assigns it to the top left side of the wall for seven days or until another pinned post replaces it.
  • Apps:
 Apps are now located under the cover photo and can have customizable images associated with them. Although brands can utilize up to twelve apps, only four are immediately displayed. Brands must therefore decide on which apps to showcase.
  • Messages:
 Fans now have the ability to send brands private messages. This means personal customer service issues do not have to be handled publicly, but rather in a more one-on-one setting.

These new features might seem overwhelming, but once acclimated, you will realize that it creates a more engaging environment for brands and consumers.

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