ETIP #132

#Facebook Hashtags are here!

#Facebook Hashtags are here!

Now more than ever, when people tweet and post, they include a hashtag. It’s a way for users to identify the subject or topic they are posting about. On platforms such as Twitter and Instagram, clicking or tapping the hashtag returns a live feed of posts from other people talking about the same topic.

Facebook is finally joining the party, so your customers will now have a consistent experience across all their social networks. Hashtags included on statuses and pictures will now have the same functionality in Facebook as they do on other platforms. In the future, Facebook will implement “trending” hashtags, like Twitter, so you can see the popular topics of the day.

For marketers, Facebook hashtags are a new way to attract more attention. For example, if you add a hashtag to your brand’s slogan #BigIdeas, users searching on that hashtag can instantly join in the conversation. This new form of engagement is something that all marketers should master in order to engage more fans.