ETIP #159

How to navigate today’s social media landscape

How to navigate today’s social media landscape

The bright lines separating owned, earned and paid media have disappeared. For example, a company can write content (owned) that looks like a news article (earned), and pay to have that article posted as syndicated content on the web (paid). A brand’s Facebook post (owned) can receive more views by turning it into a Promoted Post (paid). And the trifecta: Vending machines outfitted with Starmark’s FanWise™ social reward technology provide instant rewards to visitors for posting specific, brand-crafted social status updates from their mobile devices (earned/owned/paid).

Successful branding in this environment means understanding all your tactical options. Savvy marketers know to take an earned media asset and repackage it in an owned media email campaign. A Promoted Post can lead your Fans back to earned media coverage, such as a third party blog post. Most importantly, you can engage the services of an integrated marketing firm that knows how to get the most out of the contemporary media landscape.