ETIP #225

Is broadcast advertising still relative?

Is broadcast advertising still relative?

Don’t give up on broadcast advertising yet! Just because we mentioned in a previous news article the ongoing evolution of television, and the advent of new media sweeping the advertising industry, it doesn’t mean the end for broadcast advertising. Actually, according to Nielsen’s first quarter 2016, television remains top brass, the most popular form of home entertainment despite the onslaught of our beloved mobile devices with more than 290 million Americans owning at least one TV and a third of that owning three or more. It’s time to give TV another chance, don’t you think?

Television devices still rule as the medium to generate awareness, create interest and incite consideration during the purchasing process. With 78% of Americans tuning into their local news stations, advertisers understand these viewers have a committed relationship with an extremely valuable asset that not only connects with the community, it’s a viable medium to showcase local products and services and is usually watched in real-time.

Although the advent of on-demand TV is spreading like wildfire, and digital advertising continues to be a great vehicle for geo-targeting, television will continue to be a strong vehicle to reach the masses with a controlled message. So before you fold up your antennae and put cut the cord from your cable provider, give televisition another chance.