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7Signal Building Audience Awareness for Mobile Eye® by 7Signal®

Starmark created a strategic media plan and comprehensive marketing campaign for Mobile Eye by 7SIGNAL that would reach a B2B audience of IT professionals, from network engineers to C-level, in order to build awareness of the capabilities and benefits of automated digital endpoint monitoring with Mobile Eye.

The Challenge: Making Mobile Eye Top-of-Mind

Mobile workforces, fulfillment centers and hospitals are just a few of the enterprise organizations that rely on Wi-Fi to keep their thousands of devices and workers connected. When even one of their digital endpoints loses a connection, the effects can be monumental, even dire. Effective digital endpoint monitoring can prevent this, and that’s where Mobile Eye comes in.

Lost productivity due to network issues can have a trickle-up effect, first affecting the worker, and then becoming a Help Desk ticket. As it becomes a user experience issue, it reaches the IT Manager until it escalates to the CIO, the Director of IT and ultimately the Vice President of IT as a cost issue.

7SIGNAL needed a plan that would reach and speak to all of these audiences and decision-makers. Likewise, healthcare, warehouse and manufacturing industries had historically been the primary markets for Mobile Eye, so we needed to nurture these top-performing markets.

The Solution: Help the Audience Visualize

The Starmark team developed the “Connect the Dots” concept, which would work hard as the first touch point, getting the Mobile Eye name and credentials in front of our B2B audience as well as give them insights into what’s at stake. This concept focuses on the network oversight Mobile Eye provides as it helps enterprise companies maintain thousands of wireless connections in order to sustain productivity and staff satisfaction.

Prospecting ads provided the big picture, conveying the purpose and benefits of Mobile Eye in a concrete, creative and compelling way. Retargeting ads included compelling proof points, such as the ability for the IT department to reduce downtime by 43% and spend 59% less time troubleshooting when they implement Mobile Eye.

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Refinement Through Testing

To bring this idea to life, the campaign uses a graphic that symbolizes a system of workers and endpoints. Through testing we learned that viewers immediately got the symbolism of what we were trying to depict and appreciated how the graphic quickly communicates complexity and connectedness. Testers also expressed a preference for copy that was direct, clear and concise.

Using Testing to Optimize the Campaigns

We performed preference testing on headlines, taglines, images and compositions during the concepting phase to guide us as we refined the creative. We focused on a specific demographic that mirrored our target audience as we learned what resonated with them.

Testing Results

Mobilizing the Audience

After the launch of the campaign, we saw an increase in qualified inquiries requesting information, scheduling a demo, requesting information and completing a form to receive downloads, such as the infographic.

The 7SIGNAL sales team also reported a noticeable increase in “first meetings,” which is important because 70% of first meetings end up in a demo or trial, getting them that much closer to a closed sale.
