ETIP #216

Taking a closer look at Instagram

Taking a closer look at Instagram

There’s always something new with Instagram and this time, finally, it’s analytics that are paving the way for further insights into the user experience and providing marketers with the highly-coveted behavorial and demographic information that you’ve craved for far too long.

The audience breakdown provides deeper insights to help you understand the “who, what, when, where and why” of how users are engaging with your content and website. As marketers, you’ll find out where your followers are located, gender, age, impressions, reach, website clicks and overall activity. With robust reporting like this at our fingertips, we’re able to make informed decisions about types of content and enhancements to that content in an effort to make it more engaging and relevant to audiences.

Similar to Facebook’s Insights, Instagram Insights, one of the new tools in the Instagram Business portfolio, will provide the same control that you enjoy on Facebook with tracking page performance, post engagement, impressions, reach and sponsored post activity, thus driving impressions, encouraging actions and driving up ROI.

Social media is engagement and with the new Instagram Insights tool, businesses can now create and measure the success of their campaigns within this ever-expanding social network.